Helping you find

balance with

your dog

My approach to training is holistic. Training is a lifestyle, not a task.

This is me with my two dogs Annie and Twitch at the Grand Canyon, they’ve traveled with me all over the country and none of it would have been possible without training.

Hi, I’m Morgan! I’m a Nashville based dog trainer. I work with family pet dogs and my special skillset is with behavior modification (a.k.a. behavioral issues). My goal is to make your life easier with your dog. I want you to be able to enjoy life more with your dog—which in turn allows them to have a fuller life too!

I work to create a common language with practical, real world training that transfers into your daily lives. So whether you are struggling with normal issues like: nuisance barking, counter surfing, jumping, leash biting, pulling on the walk, not listening to commands, not coming when called, potty training, marking, puppy biting

or you’re dealing with more serious issues like: leash reactivity, dog aggression, fighting housemates, human aggression, prey drive, resource guarding, fear issues, or anxiety I can help you create a more balanced life with your dog.

I want you to discover what life can be like when you and your dog are on the same page. You might just be surprised by what they are capable of.